Friday, May 23, 2008

My experience as a recent Graduate

Life has changed so much after graduating. It's a whirl wind of changes and emotions. It's an exciting but yet such a transitioning time.
Now that I am done with school I have to fully support my lifestyle while trying to get a REAL job asap.
The new pressures after graduating:
- Establishing yourself in your career field and/or
- Getting married and starting a family
- Money
When I was a child I used to think that if I went to college and started making money that my life was set but then I realized that life has only BEGAN! Life is way more complicated than I thought and sometimes more money more problems.
My top 3 anticipations of getting a real full-time job:
- Finally getting a dog
- Traveling a lot!
- Getting a "little sister" from the Big Brother-Big Sister program

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